Wow! If you missed out on today's Meeting...then you really missed out. I have to admit I wasn't sure at all about what I was going to say and was even more nervous for Bethany but I'm so glad I shared and Bethany and Ambrosia, and Ginel, and Shawna, and Jeni! I just loved being able to cry and laugh and it moved me Bob! (Sorry too many Veggietales this week)
We have such an amazing group of ladies and I know sometimes it really seems like we just come and go and there's nothing deeper than a belly full of good food (thanks to Amanda!) but just taking the time out of our busy schedules to make an effort for friendships that are meaningful in Him is so important. I hope that this next year will bring us each closer to Him, to each other and to our families that God has given us.
I will say it was sad to hear that Shawna and Ginel will be leaving us next year...but I'm sure we'll keep in touch and share with each other how we're all doing. They've been such a huge part of MOFIA that it's hard to say goodbye but maybe this is the opportunity God has waiting for you to step up to the plate for a leadership role! If it wasn't for Ginel's leap of faith we wouldn't be here and if it wasn't for Shawna's deep devotion to share what God has been taking her through we wouldn't have grown with her. Ask God what he would have you to do... even if it's not with MOFIA...ask Him where He'd like to see you grow, where He'd like to see you shine. You never know what blessings he might be waiting to bestow upon you with that one little leap of faith and obiedence. I'm certainly glad I took that step (though I do wish I'd done it sooner)!
If you haven't signed up to bring something to the BBQ please email Heather right away...she has an opportunity for you! Even if you don't cook as well as Amanda does...I'm sure Walmart will have something we need! And apparently I missed out on some famous potato casserole and lemon cake so I know I'm gonna be there first in line for that stuff this year! And you ladies that just had babies...please just show up! We'd love to kiss some baby toes...but only if you let us!
Don't forget about our Spaghetti Dinner...we need helpers. If you can't work the whole night then let us know where you can help:
Also ladies we need each of you to bring 2 desserts! You can drop them by the church that night or to one of the ladies that live close by during the day...Aimee, Anna, Ambrosia, ect. Let us know and we might even be able to arrange pick up! I won't make any promises that I won't taste the treats to make sure they are safe for consumption though ;)
We'll start prep time tentatively at 430pm cleanup will end around 8pm if we all work together.
We're looking at serving 200 people so this can be a major money maker
If by chance you or your company would like to donate Sauce, Noodles, Bread, or Salad please let Ambrosia know!
I know I'm probably missing out on something so shoot me an email!
Hope everyone has a Happy Easter! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!