I am so excited to for the First Meeting of MOFIA coming this September 1st!
God has got some amazing things in store and we the leaders are so excited to have you as a part of it.
A couple of announcements for that first meeting....
We are still in desperate need of childcare. We have our ever faithful Rachel to help out but we really need to have an adult in there with her and someone for the babies. If you know of anyone that would be interested please let the leadership team know ASAP! We can work with carpool arrangements and a small payment. Please keep this in your prayers and thoughts!
For the children's department we'll be doing a super fun craft to go along with what we will be studying and I need donations of glass baby food jars with lids! Any size will do...though the bigger the better. If you have any you'd like to donate please email me at
The Calendar will be up and running hopefully tonight to keep you informed of the happenings in the group and special speakers...which by the way we have some awesome ones lined up!
If you feel lead to serve on the leadership team please let one of us know because we can always use a helping hand!
Thanks so much for who each of you are...you make MOFIA the special group that it is!
See you at the 1st Meeting
September 1, 2009
@ Faith Church