Monday, September 22, 2008

Discussion-Purposeful Parenting

Last week's message, Purposeful Parenting by Kim, was a wondeful reminder that it's not all about changing diapers and making little lunches.

How did her message effect you and your daily routine?

Any one know of any good devotionals that cover this?

How can we encourage each other in our goal to parent with a purpose?

Any other questions or discussions concerning this?

Feel free to comment below!


ashlee said...

i love it anna!!!

isn't Kim wonderful?!
always giving me wisdom to chew on!

Aimee(hospitality) said...

Thank you Anna. This site is wonderful. You are amazing!

Anna said...

Thanks ladies!

I'm always amazed at her wisdom and strength.

I was really encouraged to stop and think about what my purpose was when times got hairy during the week. I've still got alot to learn but just having these little moments of stopping and making sure my actions and attitudes were right really helped

Shawna said...

What a great job! I love it!
Bummed that I missed Kim's talk...