Tuesday, January 19, 2010

With Peace comes Changes and Changes Bring Peace

I'm not sure what was discussed during the meeting this week since I followed God's leading and am now officially in the back with the kiddos and I love it! I love hearing their stories and seeing their faces light up when we sing a silly song or they finish their craft with pride! So I'm guessing that the news was brought to the meeting that we are staying with daytime meetings for now we continue to seek discussion on what the current needs are so keep comments coming.

Upcoming~ Come Hear Toni Fowler, mother of 10 children all of whom she Homeschools! I'm excited to learn from her and see where God has led her throughout the years of mothering, being a wife and teacher! You can check out her blog here...

I'd love to hear about the meeting today so drop us some comments!

Your kiddos learned today about Abigail and David and being a Peacemaker and should have showed up with a super cute craft.

Next Meeting we'll feature The Fruit of Love and have a little Valentines Day Party! So we hope you turn out for it!

1 comment:

monica said...

i love your blog...

and i

just wanted to say hi
