I wanted to thank Ashley and Kim for sharing on Tuesday. I think we were all inspired by Ashley and I think we'll all be dusting off our camera this week.
Kim spoke on Faithfulness and one thing that pressed upon me was that no matter how unfaithful I am God is always faithful and in many ways He even fills up the areas where I lack faithfulness with His faithfulness.
Kim asked me to post this devotional and I encourage you today to ask God to fill in those empty spaces where you lack faithfulness He's standing by willing and able to fill in those gaps. In fact He knows every part of us that is lacking and that is why He sent His Son to rescue us. Yes, He sent Him to rescue us from eternal separation from Him but to also build us up and encourage us and rescue us from temptation and destruction here on Earth as well. The key though is that we have to come to Him and humble ourselves and ask for that help.
Be Honest With God
by Elisabeth Elliot
Since God knows our thoughts even before we think them, isn't it absurd of us to hesitate to tell Him the straight truth about ourselves? When we feel we ought to try to cover our spiritual nakedness it is good for us to open up Psalm 139: "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.... You perceive my thoughts from afar.... You are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord.... You created my inmost being" (Psalm 139:1-4,13, NIV).
There are times when I hesitate even to pray, knowing how far short I fall from God's standard.
George MacDonald writes:
"If I felt my heart as hard as a stone; if I did not love God, or man, or woman, or little child, I would yet say to God in my heart, 'O God, see how I trust Thee, because Thou art perfect, and not changeable like me. I do not love Thee. I love nobody. I am not even sorry for it. Thou seest how much I need Thee to come close to me, to put Thy arm round me, to say to me, MY CHILD: for the worse my state, the greater my need of my Father who loves me. Come to me, and my day will dawn; my love will come back, and, oh! how I shall love Thee, my God! and know that my love is Thy love, my blessedness Thy being.'"
We may pray the prayer that closes Psalm 139: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24, NIV).
"Be persuaded, timid soul," writes Archbishop Fenelon, in his SPIRITUAL LETTERS TO WOMEN, "that He has loved you too much to cease loving you."
Also here are the discussion questions Kim had for us that we didn't get a chance to get to. Feel free to discuss here in the comment section. I'd love to see what some of you think about these.
Also if you don't have a blog account and would like to participate shoot me an email and I'll let you know how to go about using our password.
1. Name someone who has been faithful to you. What did such faithfulness feel like? How did such faithfulness affect your life?
2. Have you ever experienced unfaithfulness in a relationship in which someone was not true to you? Describe the emotions you faced. How have you recovered from that experience? What lessons have you brought forward in life as a result?
3. Now consider a relationship in which you are being asked to be faithful. How successful are you? What is the most challenging part of faithfulness to this person? How can you improve your faithfulness?
4. Is it possible to be 100 percent faithful to God? Why or why not? How does your answer shape your efforts with this fruit?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
October MOFIA Meetings
October's Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control and the fruit is Orange!
We'll be doing our craft the first week of the month and then at the next meeting we'll be hearing from a special speaker who will be talking to us about the importance of capturing this moment in our lives on film.
Look for announcements concerning who will be doing breakfast.
Looking forward to seeing each of you there!
We'll be doing our craft the first week of the month and then at the next meeting we'll be hearing from a special speaker who will be talking to us about the importance of capturing this moment in our lives on film.
Look for announcements concerning who will be doing breakfast.
Looking forward to seeing each of you there!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
1st Meeting Alert!!!!
I am so excited to for the First Meeting of MOFIA coming this September 1st!
God has got some amazing things in store and we the leaders are so excited to have you as a part of it.
A couple of announcements for that first meeting....
We are still in desperate need of childcare. We have our ever faithful Rachel to help out but we really need to have an adult in there with her and someone for the babies. If you know of anyone that would be interested please let the leadership team know ASAP! We can work with carpool arrangements and a small payment. Please keep this in your prayers and thoughts!
For the children's department we'll be doing a super fun craft to go along with what we will be studying and I need donations of glass baby food jars with lids! Any size will do...though the bigger the better. If you have any you'd like to donate please email me at annafrnch@gmail.com!
The Calendar will be up and running hopefully tonight to keep you informed of the happenings in the group and special speakers...which by the way we have some awesome ones lined up!
If you feel lead to serve on the leadership team please let one of us know because we can always use a helping hand!
Thanks so much for who each of you are...you make MOFIA the special group that it is!
See you at the 1st Meeting
September 1, 2009
@ Faith Church
God has got some amazing things in store and we the leaders are so excited to have you as a part of it.
A couple of announcements for that first meeting....
We are still in desperate need of childcare. We have our ever faithful Rachel to help out but we really need to have an adult in there with her and someone for the babies. If you know of anyone that would be interested please let the leadership team know ASAP! We can work with carpool arrangements and a small payment. Please keep this in your prayers and thoughts!
For the children's department we'll be doing a super fun craft to go along with what we will be studying and I need donations of glass baby food jars with lids! Any size will do...though the bigger the better. If you have any you'd like to donate please email me at annafrnch@gmail.com!
The Calendar will be up and running hopefully tonight to keep you informed of the happenings in the group and special speakers...which by the way we have some awesome ones lined up!
If you feel lead to serve on the leadership team please let one of us know because we can always use a helping hand!
Thanks so much for who each of you are...you make MOFIA the special group that it is!
See you at the 1st Meeting
September 1, 2009
@ Faith Church
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Leader's Night Out
Your fearless MOFIA leaders met last week to discuss this upcoming year's exciting new bible study. You might take a guess by the blog's new look. We're so excited to tell you but you'll just have to come to the first meeting September 1st to find out! We have an awesome book and a way cool craft that will help bring us closer to God, our husbands, and our children.
Don't forget we have playdate scheduled for July 7th at 930 am! We hope to see you there!
Don't forget we have playdate scheduled for July 7th at 930 am! We hope to see you there!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Playdate Tomorrow!
Hey Ladies Don't forget tomorrow is our first summer playdate at Faith. 930am-11:30. Bring Your Own Snacks and Drinks for your kiddos. Also feel free to bring ride on cars, small bikes, ect.
See ya there!
See ya there!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Additons to the Summer Fun List...
- Kalediscope Children's Museum - 6202 S. Sheridian (340-5252)
cost - $8/children 8 and older; $6.75/under 8. open tues-thurs 10-3; fri-sat 10-7; sun 1-6
- Ollie's Restaurant - 4233 S. Yukon (446-0524)
mini railroad tracks all over restaurant & some suspended above
- Jenks Fire Department - tours (299-2727)
211 N. Elm Street
- Admiral twin Drive-In Theater - (838-3114)
7355 E. Easter St. (1blk n of I-244 btw sheridian & memorial)
- Krispy Kreme Doughnuts - 10128 E. 71st st. (294-5293
kids can decorate their own doughnuts!
- Tulsa State Fair "Flying High" - 21st Street between Yale and Harvard
(not really summer - just added it in)
October 1st - 11th
October 1st - 11th
- Purple Glaze Pottery Studio - 91st & Sheridian (southeast corner) (491-6900)
hours 11-9 mon-fri; 11-6 sat; 1-5 sun
- Zebco Casting Pond - Jenks Aquarium (299-2334)
tues & thurs nights 6:30-8:30 to learn about conservation, knot-tying, casting & fish identification - - free & rods & reels provided.
- Jenks Park - fishing off docks
- Pump it up - 13675 E. 61st (East of 129th East Ave. on 61st) (250-5553
cost - $7 for 1.5hours of non-stop jumping
- Bounce U - 91st & Memorial (Northwest Corner) (249-0090)
open bounce days are mon-fri 3-4:15; cost: $6.95/child
reservations strongly recommended & call before due to party schedule
- Tulsa Air & Space Museum - 3624 N. 74th East Ave. (near zoo) (834-9900)
tues -sat 10-5; sun 1-5; cost: $6/adults; $4/children; free/under4
cost for combo museum & planetarium: $10/adults; $6/4-12; free/3&under
- Oilers Ice Center - 6413 S. Mingo (252-0011)
public skating mon-fri 11:30-1:30; friday christian skate night 8-11pm; sat 11:45-1:45; sun 1-3pm; cost $6.50/older kids & adults; $3.50/$5and under Skate rental - $2.50
- Trapeze University - Riverwalk Crossing, Jenks (398-TRAP)
Swing like monkeys! Full Size Trapeze! Certified trapeze staff will harness children 4 and older (adults too) and let them swing and do acrobatic moves high above a safety net. Open swing times are available as well as classes. Fun for parties! Call for prices and available times.
- Discoveryland 19501 W. 41st St. Sand Springs (254-OKLA)
show begins at 8pm with preshow activities for kids and adults at 6pm. June 5-Aug 15th
- Safari Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary - 26881 E. 58th Street - Broken Arrow (357-LOVE)
cost: $6/adults; $5/kids, free/3 and under; feed animals for additional cost -
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tulsa's Summer Fun Things To Do!
Tulsa Library summer reading program, "Be Creative at Your Library."
You go in and get a form, and then get prizes and coupons for free things
for reading certain number of books over the summer (younger children can
be read to). We have done it since age 2, and they have programs up
through teens. More info at
Free Reading Reward Program - Barnes & Noble, grades 1-6
Participation is fun and easy way for kids to earn free books. They simply
read any eight books - library books, books borrowed from friends or books
bought at Barnes & Noble - write about their favorite part, and bring a
completed tear page to a Barnes & Noble bookstore. Children then choose
their free book from a list of paperback titles. In 2009, we're partnering
with Rick Riordan, author of the "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series.
For more information and to download and print an Educator's Kit,
(At Southroads...$1 movies Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. seating first
come first serve-proceeds benefit The Children's Charity and the Will
Rogers Institute) http://www.amctheatres.com/smc/
2009 Schedule
June 17: Space Chimps
June 24: Kung Fu Panda
July 1: Madagascar: Escape 2
July 8: Tale of
July 15: Horton Hears a
July 22: The Spiderwick
July 29: Nim's Island
August 5: Star Wars: The Clone
Wednesdays at 10 am at Cinemark, 6808 S. Memorial.
*All 10 movies can be purchased in advance for $5.00, or can be purchased
separately at the box office for $1.00 per show.
2009 Schedule
June 10 Space Chimps
June 17 Madagascar 2
June 24 Horton Hears a Who
July 1 Arthur and the Invisibles
July 8 Alvin & the Chipmunks
July 15 Kung Fu Panda
July 22 Tales of Desperaux
July 29 Hotel for Dogs
Aug. 5 Igor
Aug. 12 Open Season
At RiverWalk in Jenks. FREE. Mon. Tues., Wed., at 11:30 & 1:45, June
1-Aug. 5.
June 1,2,3 Flushed Away
June 8,9,10 Alvin & the Chipmunks
June 15, 16, 17 RV
June 22, 23, 24 Shark Tale
June 29, 30, July 1 Kung Fu Panda
July 6, 7, 8 Zathura
July 13, 14, 15 Monster House
July 20, 21, 22 Madagascar 2
July 27, 28, 29 Hotel for Dogs
Aug. 3, 4, 5 Open Season
First Friday Concert Series - LaFortune Park
Bring your favorite lawn chair or blanket and sit back and relax while
local bands present family friendly music from all genres. Located in the
Gardens of LaFortune Park (off 51st Street, just west of Hudson) our First
Friday Concerts kick off each month from May - September with free
entertainment 7-9 pm.
June 5 Vance Orange Project (Rock/Blues)
July 10 Three Hour Tour (Classic Rock/60's & 70's)
August 7 Radio Soul (Pop, R&B, 70's, 80's, and 90's Rock)
Sept. 11 Wanda Watson (Blues)
Music Sandwiched In
Each Wednesday in May over lunch (12:10-12:50 p.m.) you can experience
jazz, the universal language of cool, during Music Sandwiched In at
Central Library's Aaronson Auditorium, Fourth Street and Denver Avenue.
May 6 -- Annie Ellicott. She may be young, but her voice is timeless and
her American jazz performances are unforgettable. As a recipient of the
Tulsa Jazz Society's 2008 Legacy Tribute Award, she quickly has
established herself as Tulsa's jazz sweetheart and one of the city's most
sought-after performers.
May 13 -- Olivia Duhon and Vernon Howard. Giving a new twist to old jazz
standards. As a recent graduate of the University of Tulsa and a former
member of the TU Jazz Band, Duhon shines as a bright, new performer on the
local jazz scene. Accompanied by Howard, director of jazz studies at TU,
this duo will perform classics like "Fly Me to the Moon" and Joni
Mitchell's "Court and Spark."
May 20 -- Chuck and Sandy Gardner. They have performed at Carnegie Hall,
the Johnny Carson Show and Caesar's Palace. As a regularly featured band
at the Jazz Hall of Fame and Tulsa Jazz Society, SCORE's signature
"elegant American jazz" act is a local favorite.
May 27 -- Donald Ryan. One of Tulsa's most respected classical, ragtime
and jazz pianists. He is a faculty member at Oral Roberts University and
serves as the musical advisor on ragtime for Tulsa's board of directors.
Jim Bates, bassist, and Arthur Thompson, drummer, will accompany Ryan.
Starlight Concerts
Free concerts held Tuesday nights outside at the River Parks Festival
Amphitheater, 2100 S. Jackson. All concerts begin at 8 p.m. Tentative
dates for 2009 -- check for updates here: http://www.starlightbands.net/
June 16 Jazz Band - Contemporary Jazz
June 23 Concert Band - Medley Night
June 30 Concert Band - Americana Night
July 7 Concert Band - A Tribute To Super Heroes
July 14 Concert Band - Circle Cinema Movie Night
July 21 Jazz Band - Big Band Hits
Broken Arrow Tuesdays in Central Park outdoor concerts
All concerts are held starting at 7 p.m. at Central Park, 1500 South Main,
in downtown Broken Arrow. In the event of inclement weather, concerts will
be moved to the North Intermediate High School Auditorium located at 808
East College.. The concerts are free and open to the public.
June 2 - Missourians/Eternity (Gospel Night)
June 9 - Grady Nichols (Jazz)
June 16 - Mike Bennett (Big Band)
June 23 - Mary Cogan (Soft Rock)
June 30 - Les Gilliam (Country)
Summer's 5th Night at Utica Square
Every Thursday through August, 7-9 pm.
Utica Square's summer concert series serves up everything from jazz to
rock to country. There's something different every Thursday and best of
all, it's free! Pack a picnic or dine at one of our great restaurants as
you unwind to your favorite local bands. Put on your dancing shoes, catch
up with family and friends and win great prizes like Utica Square gift
certificates and merchandise from Utica Square merchants.
May 21 Light Opera Oklahoma (Musical Theater)
May 28 Mid-Life Crisis (Classic Rock)
June 4 Earl Clark (Jazz)
June 11 Admiral Twin (Rock))
June 18 Sean Adair & Okie Island (Country)
June 25 Scott Ellison (Blues/Rock)
July 2 Red Dirt Rangers (Country)
July 9 Joseph Vincelli (Jazz)
July 16 Jessica V. and the Rhythmatics (Rhythm & Blues)
July 23 Random Sample (Country & Rock)
July 30 Usual Suspects (Rock)
August 6 Something Steel (Island Music)
August 13 Annie Ellicott w/Brian Haas Trio (Jazz)
August 20 Mid-Life Crisis (Classic Rock)
August 27 Grady Nichols (Smooth Sax)
RiverWalk Concert Series
Free outdoor concerts at the RiverWalk in Jenks. For additional dates and
other Riverwalk events, go here:
May 8, 6 pm J3 Band (Jazz/Blues)
May 15, 8 pm Meridian (Rock & Blues)
May 22, 8 pm 4 Players Band
May 28, 7 pm Francesca Battistelli
May 29, 8 pm Touch of Aloha Hula Dancers
June 5, 8 pm RadioRadio, Opening Act: Ziff
June 6, 8 pm Hurricane Mason
June 11, 7 pm John Waller
June 13, 8 pm Miles Raulston
June 18, 7 pm Jubiliation Choir
June 19, 8 pm Juke Box Hero
June 20, 8 pm Badwater
June 26, 8 pm Michael Ray Little Band
June 27, 8 pm Hot Shot Karate
Unless otherwise noted, call 596-PARK (7275) for information or to register
Admission fees this year will be $2 per person. The 7 pools scheduled to
open this summer are below - call 596-7275 for hours.
Lacy, 2134 N. Madison Pl.
McClure, 7440 E. 7th St.
Manion , 3003 E. 56th St.
Reed, 4233 S. Yukon Ave.
Zeigler , 3903 W. 4th St.
Berry, 5002 N. Wheeling
Whiteside, 7440 E. Pittsburg Ave.
Pools open with Beach Bash - May 30, noon-3pm, at McClure Park Pool (7440
E. 7th St.) Kick off the Summer Pool season with ice cream, music, and
pool races. Admission is free!
Tennis in the Parks - June 8-July 18 at most Community Centers.
Practice matches in June, and League play in July in four divisions for
ages 6 through 18. Cost of $46 (Lacy and Chamberlain - $6) includes
t-shirt and awards. Call 596-2527 for info.
Hook A Kid On Golf - Five-day morning sessions starting June 22 and July 13
Designed for ages 8 -13 for boys and girls. Enrollment fee of $186
includes golf shirt, and starter clubs. All lessons and games occur at
Page Belcher Golf Course - 6666 S. Union Ave. Limited Space; call 596-2527
for info.
Kids Triathlon - July 25, McClure Park, 8am
Youth ages 6 through 15 can sign up for either the short or long course.
Includes swimming, biking, and running with medals of completion for all
finishers. Early Bird entry fee of $25 includes a t-shirt. Call 596-2527
for info.
Summer Day Camps - Registration has already begun. Ages 6-11. Rates vary.
Sessions: #1: June 1-12, #2: June 15-26, #3: June 29-July 10, #4: July
13-24, #5: July 27-August 7, and #6: August 10-14
At the following Community Centers:
Chamberlain, 4940 N. Frankfort Ave., 591-4155
Hicks, 3443 S. Mingo Road 669-6355
Lacy, 2134 N. Madison Place 596-1470
Maxwell, 5251 E. Newton St. 596-1444
McClure, 7440 E. 7th Street 669-6678
Owen, 560 N. Maybelle Ave. 596-1485
Reed, 4233 S. Yukon Ave 591-4307
Turner, 3503 E. 5th Place 596-1444
Whiteside, 4009 S. Pittsburg Ave 746-5040
Zeigler, 3903 W. 4th St. 596-1485
Specialty Camps-Teen
McClure - All Sessions (Ages 12-14) - $150
7440 East 7th Street 669-6678
Specialty Camps-Theater
Clark Theater - Sessions 2, 3, & 4 only (Ages 8-14 & 11-17) - $150
11440 E. Admiral Place 669-6455
Heller Theater @ Henthorne (Ages 11-17) July 27-Aug. 7 - $150
4825 S. Quaker Ave. 746-5065
Specialty Camps-Art
WaterWorks Art Center - half days only
Ages 7-12 (Sessions 1-5) - $120. Ages 12-15 (Sessions 5&6) - $180
1710 Charles Page Blvd. 596-2440
Other Tulsa Park events include classes in Martial Arts, Soccer, T-Ball,
Gymnastics, Volleyball, Aerobics, Yoga, Pilates, Swim Lessons, and Dance.
Pick up a Tulsa Parks Fun Guide for more information, or visit
Tulsa County Parks also has swimming pools and other programming at
LaFortune (51st & Yale); O'Brien, 6149 N. Lewis Ave., and Chandler, 6500
West 21st St., but doesn't have details about hours, etc., online (and I
am too lazy to call!) - for information check their website at
http://www.parks.tulsacounty.org/Default.aspx or call 596-5990.
Gilcrease Museum-Kids Dig Books, Summer on the Plains
FREE. Fridays, 10-11 am. June 5, 12, 19 & 26; July 3, 10, 24 & 31
Listen to stories of summertime on the Western plains in which children
explore their natural surroundings and the freedom the long warm days
bring. Then create a work of art based on these adventures.
Also at Gilcrease, if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend the
Creative Learning Center:
It's a free art center with all kinds of activities available to the kids.
They can make and take projects using painting, clay, weaving, etc.
AND Gilcrease offers free admission to all visitors on the first Tuesday
of each month ("TU TUesday"). For more information,
Philbrook Museum-Free 2nd Saturday
Every 2nd Saturday of the month is Free Family Day. Drop in anytime from
10:30 am - 4 pm. Experiment with fun materials to make hands-on art
projects, go on a scavenger hunt, take a family-friendly tour of the
museum, and so much more on this day specifically for families.
Thanks to Heyman Family Adventures in Art.
Oklahoma Aquarium
Get a free admission for a child for going to the dentist...print out the
form here and get dentist to sign.
Oxley Nature Center
In Mohawk Park - free.
With more than 9 miles of trails covering 804 acres, the Mary K.. Oxley
Nature Center at Mohawk Park is one of Tulsa's treasures. The gates open
daily (except City holidays) at 8 a.m. and close at 5 p.m., although the
trails are open as early as 7 a.m. or as late as 9 p.m. to hikers who park
outside the gates.
Visitors may pick up maps and trail information at the Oxley-Yetter
Interpretive Building 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat. and 12 noon-4:30 p.m. on
Sunday. The Interpretive Building houses inter-active, hands-on exhibits
explaining the local natural history. Gift shop, restrooms, drinking water
and a classroom are also available. For more information, call 669-6644.
Grand opening for the newly remodeled Interpretive enter is June 27, 9-5
pm-join us for all kinds of fun activities!
Redbud Valley Nature Preserve
Free. Natural diversity is protected at Redbud Valley Nature Preserve.
Located on North 161st East Avenue about 3.8 miles north of I-44, Redbud
Valley Nature Preserve protects 220+ acres of unique plant and animal
life. The rugged one-mile trail is open to hikers only when the gates are
open: Wed.-Sun., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Barclay Visitor Center is open 11
a.m.-3 p.m. Pets are not permitted. The Preserve is closed every Monday
and Tuesday, and most holidays. For more information, call 669-6460.
Farmers Markets
(A variety of local Farmers Markets offer fresh local produce, crafts,
plants, herbs and more. Most Markets run May through October. Great place
to wander around with the kids, and one of the few where you can actually
buy them a healthy snack!)
Cherry Street Farmers Market
15th Street and Peoria Ave., Saturdays, 7 am-11 am.
Brookside Farmers Market
41st & Peoria, Wednesdays, 8 am-noon.
Pearl District Farmers Market
6th Street and Peroria Avenue, Thursdays, 4:30-7 pm
Downtown Tulsa Farmers' Market
3rd & Boston, Williams Green, Tuesdays, 10:30 am -2 pm
North Tulsa Farmers Market
2620 E. 56th St. North, Saturdays, 8:30am-12:30pm, starts first week of June.
Owasso Farmers Market
Owasso YMCA, 8300 Owasso Expressway, in Owasso just off U.S. 169,
Wednesdays & Saturdays, 8 am-noon.
Jenks Farmers Market , Riverwalk: 7
RiverWalk, Saturdays, 7 am-noon.
Broken Arrow Farmers Market
418 South Main St., Saturdays, 8 am-noon.
Tulsa Mayfest, May 14-17 (11 am-11 pm Thursday-Saturday, and 11 am-6 pm
Downtown Tulsa. FREE Family-oriented outdoor tribute to the arts, with an
array of dance and music performances in addition to the many visual arts
booths and four indoor galleries (including a Youth Gallery at the PAC)
and a newly revamped KidZone sponsored by St. Francis at the new park at
6th and Main. Always one of the major highlights of spring, Mayfest is
planned to encompass some of the very best in both the exhibit and
performance areas. For listing of exhibitors and performers or other
information, go to
Blue Dome Arts Festival, May 15-17 (noon-9 pm, Friday; 10 am-8 pm
Saturday; 11 am-4 pm Sunday)
Located at 1st & 2nd Streets at Elgin, the Blue Dome Arts Festival
features hundreds of local artists. It's fun to wander over here before
or after Mayfest. For more information, go to www.bluedomeartsfestival.com
Downtown Tulsa Adventure Fitness Walk, May 23, 9 am-noon
FREE. Discover downtown Tulsa in a new way. Join a tour, beginning at Owen
Park at 500 N. Maybelle and continuing through the streets of Tulsa. Tour
guides will explain the city's beautiful Art Deco history and more. The
tour involves considerable walking, so wear comfortable shoes. Ages 10 and
Tulsa Tough, May 29-31
A three-day cycling festival designed to promote fitness and healthy
lifestyles while showcasing the beautiful city of Tulsa. Tulsa Tough
offers events and spectating opportunities for everyone with
races, recreational
and tour rides, kids
and youth
activities, live
music and vendors in
one action packed weekend. For more information, go to
Bartlesville's SunFest, June 5-7
"Oklahoma's Biggest Outdoor Picnic" returns for a long weekend with its
trademark combination of
A relaxed, family picnic atmosphere.
Quality, cost-free entertainment.
A diverse range of arts and crafts.
Creative, supervised activities for children.
Terrific food in abundant variety.
An eye-popping car show.
This free premier arts & entertainment festival - now in its 27th year -
is held in Sooner Park located at Madison Boulevard and Tuxedo Avenue in
Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Parking is available in several lots near the
park. For information: http://www.bartlesvillesunfest.org/tradition.htm
Asian-American Festival, June 6
FREE. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 6, at Martin Regional Library,
2601 S. Garnett Road.
Celebrate and learn about the customs and traditions of Asian-Americans
with entertaining, educational events for the entire family as Tulsa
City-County Library presents the seventh annual Asian-American Festival.
Explore the colorful cultures of China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,
Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries in Asia. The festival kicks
off at 10:45 a.m. with a vibrant Dragon Dance, featuring a 70-foot dragon
from China, and includes martial arts demonstrations; Kyoto, Japan art
exchange exhibit and workshop; manga exchange and workshop; bamboo flute
music; classical Indian dance; traditional Chinese dance; a Japanese tea
ceremony; and children's dances and songs in Japanese and English.
Numerous activities and presentations are scheduled indoors throughout the
festival, including interactive educational booths featuring crafts for
kids, temporary tattoos, name translation, henna painting and origami
instruction. The festival also features authentic arts and crafts booths.
Food concession is provided by India Palace, located at 69th and Lewis.
Tulsa FreedomFest '09, July 4
Annual July 4th celebration held at the River West Festival Park and
Veterans Park featuring fireworks, entertainment, activities, food &
beverages. Fireworks are shot from the 21st Street Bridge at approximately
9:30 p.m. Contact River Parks at 596-2001 for more details
DFest, July 24-25
Downtown in the Blue Dome District, music conference and festival
showcasing 130+ artists of the best emerging independent artists in the
country including Oklahoma, Regional and National performers. Tickets
required for entry into stages, but you can wander around and see exhibits
and hear some music for free - for families, probably best in afternoon
and early evening. For more information, go to
Tulsa Drillers
The national pasttime and a good way to spend a few summer hours. We love
Tulsa baseball! Tickets are cheap and there are always specials and
giveaways from free tickets to 50 cent hotdogs. For a list of various
promotions, go here:
A couple of promotion highlights: Free tickets are available for the
following games: May 29 (pick up tickets at all WalMart locations); June
10 (all QuikTrips) June 24 (all Arby's), Aug. 25 & 26 (free tickets at ALL
There are several "Kids Eat Free" nights, where kids can go on the field
for a free clinic and with a paid admission, they get a free hot dog, milk
and ice cream -- June 11, June 28, July 12 and Aug. 16.
And even if you don't feel like watching the game, be sure to check the
list for one of the nights that will feature fireworks after the games -
they put on really impressive shows (better than many 4th of July shows)
and you can join the hundreds of people who congregate in the Lowe's or
Walgreen's parking lot or in nearby neighborhoods to watch.
Blue Bell Broken Arrow Ice Cream Plant- Taste of Summer, June 29
8201 E. Hwy 51, Broken Arrow, June 29, Saturday, 9 am-3 pm
The annual Community Open House hosted by one of Broken Arrow's favorite
and best-known businesses. ALL the ice cream you can eat. Jupiter Jump for
the kids, ice cream eating contest, live entertainment, plant tours and
much more. Admission $4 for adults with kids under 6 free.
Woolaroc Kidsfest, June 27 & 28
10 am-5 pm -- Regular Woolaroc admission (adults $8, over 65 $6 and
children 11 and under are FREE) at the great family museum/ranch southwest
of Bartlesville.
Kidsfest features events, games, crafts and entertainment presented on the
Woolaroc grounds where visitors can enjoy all of the activities in the
rustic outdoor environment, along with the natural beauty of the Osage
Hills, the historic art and artifacts in the Woolaroc Museum and the
animals on the Wildlife Preserve. Kids can participate in a variety of
activities, such as pony rides, wagon rides, treasure dig, face painting,
Carpenter's corner, tattoos, beaded necklaces, Indian head bands, native
sand art, rock painting, bean bag games, and lots of nature crafts. Our
living history booths will include horseshoeing, saddle & boot makers,
bridle, bit and spur makers, woodcarvers, silversmiths, flint knapping,
rope making, black-smithing, old west re-enactors and lots more. More info
at: http://www.woolaroc.org/
Bartlesville Kiddie Park
A fun and cheap park for younger kids (probably best up to age 7 or 8).
Some of the rides were so mild that even very young toddlers can ride them
safely. No admission charge and ride tickets are 25 cents -- almost all
rides are just one ticket, so you can have a lot of fun for only a few
bucks. At least last year, concessions were good "fair fare" and cheap --
$1 cotton candy, 75 cents snowcones, etc. A few things adults could ride,
plenty of benches to sit on and watch the kids. There also were wandering
clowns, face painting, etc. Good old-fashioned summer fun!
It's open through the summer, only in the evening: Fridays and Saturday
evenings through May, then open Tues-Thurs 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm; Fri-Sat 7:00
pm -10:00 pm. Closed Sundays, Mondays & the 4th of July. If you want to
make it the quintessential summer date -- go early enough to stop at the
Bartlesville Sonic on the way -- you pass it on your way to the Park, and
it's the only Sonic I've seen with a big outdoor playground.
It is located at 215 N. Cherokee Ave. in Johnstone Park. For info or
directions, go to http://kiddiepark.net/ .
Free Family Fishing Clinics
The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation hosts free family fishing
clinics at the Zebco casting pond, located adjacent to the Oklahoma
Aquarium in Jenks. The two-hour clinics begin at 6:30 p.m. and conclude
with fishing in the small pond, which is regularly stocked with good-sized
channel catfish, which the novice anglers can take home for the dinner
table is they so choose. Clinics are open to all ages, not just children,
but kids 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Here's the schedule for this year:
May 19, 21 & 28; June 2, 4, 16, 18, 23 & 25; July 7, 14, 21 & 28; Aug. 4
& 11. Pre-registration is required -- to register call the Wildlife
Department's Jenks office at (918) 299-2334.
For a complete schedule of other locations and events, go to:
Bixby Green Corn Festival, June 25-27
Enjoy this old fashioned family fun festival held in downtown Bixby hosted
by the Bixby Optimist Club! Enjoy the Pride of Texas carnival, crafts,
live music, food and fun games and events for all. Proceeds from the
festival will fund youth projects and scholarships provided by the
Optimist Club of Bixby. For more info, visit
Porter Peach Festival, July 16-18
Downtown Porter. Rodeo, music, arts, 5k run, carnival rides, free peaches
and cream!
For more infromation, http://www.porterpeachfestivals.com/ or 694-9314.
Free Bowling
Kids can bowl free all summer long at Andy Bs, located at 8711 S Lewis
Ave. Just go to this website:
www.kidsbowlfree.com/andybs and
register each child, and receive free bowling passes every week by email.
Registered children can bowl 2 games free every day all summer long!
For Teens - Youth Services of Tulsa Coffee House
Come on by any Saturday, bring your friends and relax at the YST Coffee
Same time, same place: Every Saturday night, 7-11 pm,
311 S. Madison (1/2 mile West of Peoria on 3rd St).
The YST Coffee House has Wi-Fi! So, bring your personal connection devices
and etc.
with you to the Coffee House while you enjoy your free coffee and cappuccino.
Get Ready, Set, Take a Stand
Kind of neat thing, for kids 7-12, an offer from Sunkist for a free
lemonade stand kids can use to raise money for their favorite charity.
Free Kids Workshops - Home Depot.
This is at 9 am on the first Saturday of the month...they can build all
kinds of cool projects, with all supplies provided free. I have been doing
with the kids from ages 3 and up.
Free Kids Workshop at Lowes
Similar deal, the second Saturday of the month at 10 am. Both of these are
actually year-round.
Tulsa Kids Summer Guide
For Tulsa Kids summer camp and activities guide, go here:
Tulsa Library summer reading program, "Be Creative at Your Library."
You go in and get a form, and then get prizes and coupons for free things
for reading certain number of books over the summer (younger children can
be read to). We have done it since age 2, and they have programs up
through teens. More info at
Free Reading Reward Program - Barnes & Noble, grades 1-6
Participation is fun and easy way for kids to earn free books. They simply
read any eight books - library books, books borrowed from friends or books
bought at Barnes & Noble - write about their favorite part, and bring a
completed tear page to a Barnes & Noble bookstore. Children then choose
their free book from a list of paperback titles. In 2009, we're partnering
with Rick Riordan, author of the "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series.
For more information and to download and print an Educator's Kit,
(At Southroads...$1 movies Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. seating first
come first serve-proceeds benefit The Children's Charity and the Will
Rogers Institute) http://www.amctheatres.com/smc/
2009 Schedule
June 17: Space Chimps
June 24: Kung Fu Panda
July 1: Madagascar: Escape 2
July 8: Tale of
July 15: Horton Hears a
July 22: The Spiderwick
July 29: Nim's Island
August 5: Star Wars: The Clone
*All 10 movies can be purchased in advance for $5.00, or can be purchased
separately at the box office for $1.00 per show.
2009 Schedule
June 10 Space Chimps
June 17 Madagascar 2
June 24 Horton Hears a Who
July 1 Arthur and the Invisibles
July 8 Alvin & the Chipmunks
July 15 Kung Fu Panda
July 22 Tales of Desperaux
July 29 Hotel for Dogs
Aug. 5 Igor
Aug. 12 Open Season
1-Aug. 5.
June 1,2,3 Flushed Away
June 8,9,10 Alvin & the Chipmunks
June 15, 16, 17 RV
June 22, 23, 24 Shark Tale
June 29, 30, July 1 Kung Fu Panda
July 6, 7, 8 Zathura
July 13, 14, 15 Monster House
July 20, 21, 22 Madagascar 2
July 27, 28, 29 Hotel for Dogs
Aug. 3, 4, 5 Open Season
First Friday Concert Series - LaFortune Park
Bring your favorite lawn chair or blanket and sit back and relax while
local bands present family friendly music from all genres. Located in the
Gardens of LaFortune Park (off 51st Street, just west of Hudson) our First
Friday Concerts kick off each month from May - September with free
entertainment 7-9 pm.
June 5 Vance Orange Project (Rock/Blues)
July 10 Three Hour Tour (Classic Rock/60's & 70's)
August 7 Radio Soul (Pop, R&B, 70's, 80's, and 90's Rock)
Sept. 11 Wanda Watson (Blues)
Music Sandwiched In
Each Wednesday in May over lunch (12:10-12:50 p.m.) you can experience
jazz, the universal language of cool, during Music Sandwiched In at
Central Library's Aaronson Auditorium, Fourth Street and Denver Avenue.
May 6 -- Annie Ellicott. She may be young, but her voice is timeless and
her American jazz performances are unforgettable. As a recipient of the
Tulsa Jazz Society's 2008 Legacy Tribute Award, she quickly has
established herself as Tulsa's jazz sweetheart and one of the city's most
sought-after performers.
May 13 -- Olivia Duhon and Vernon Howard. Giving a new twist to old jazz
standards. As a recent graduate of the University of Tulsa and a former
member of the TU Jazz Band, Duhon shines as a bright, new performer on the
local jazz scene. Accompanied by Howard, director of jazz studies at TU,
this duo will perform classics like "Fly Me to the Moon" and Joni
Mitchell's "Court and Spark."
May 20 -- Chuck and Sandy Gardner. They have performed at Carnegie Hall,
the Johnny Carson Show and Caesar's Palace. As a regularly featured band
at the Jazz Hall of Fame and Tulsa Jazz Society, SCORE's signature
"elegant American jazz" act is a local favorite.
May 27 -- Donald Ryan. One of Tulsa's most respected classical, ragtime
and jazz pianists. He is a faculty member at Oral Roberts University and
serves as the musical advisor on ragtime for Tulsa's board of directors.
Jim Bates, bassist, and Arthur Thompson, drummer, will accompany Ryan.
Starlight Concerts
Free concerts held Tuesday nights outside at the River Parks Festival
Amphitheater, 2100 S. Jackson. All concerts begin at 8 p.m. Tentative
dates for 2009 -- check for updates here: http://www.starlightbands.net/
June 16 Jazz Band - Contemporary Jazz
June 23 Concert Band - Medley Night
June 30 Concert Band - Americana Night
July 7 Concert Band - A Tribute To Super Heroes
July 14 Concert Band - Circle Cinema Movie Night
July 21 Jazz Band - Big Band Hits
Broken Arrow Tuesdays in Central Park outdoor concerts
All concerts are held starting at 7 p.m. at Central Park, 1500 South Main,
in downtown Broken Arrow. In the event of inclement weather, concerts will
be moved to the North Intermediate High School Auditorium located at 808
East College.. The concerts are free and open to the public.
June 2 - Missourians/Eternity (Gospel Night)
June 9 - Grady Nichols (Jazz)
June 16 - Mike Bennett (Big Band)
June 23 - Mary Cogan (Soft Rock)
June 30 - Les Gilliam (Country)
Summer's 5th Night at Utica Square
Every Thursday through August, 7-9 pm.
Utica Square's summer concert series serves up everything from jazz to
rock to country. There's something different every Thursday and best of
all, it's free! Pack a picnic or dine at one of our great restaurants as
you unwind to your favorite local bands. Put on your dancing shoes, catch
up with family and friends and win great prizes like Utica Square gift
certificates and merchandise from Utica Square merchants.
May 21 Light Opera Oklahoma (Musical Theater)
May 28 Mid-Life Crisis (Classic Rock)
June 4 Earl Clark (Jazz)
June 11 Admiral Twin (Rock))
June 18 Sean Adair & Okie Island (Country)
June 25 Scott Ellison (Blues/Rock)
July 2 Red Dirt Rangers (Country)
July 9 Joseph Vincelli (Jazz)
July 16 Jessica V. and the Rhythmatics (Rhythm & Blues)
July 23 Random Sample (Country & Rock)
July 30 Usual Suspects (Rock)
August 6 Something Steel (Island Music)
August 13 Annie Ellicott w/Brian Haas Trio (Jazz)
August 20 Mid-Life Crisis (Classic Rock)
August 27 Grady Nichols (Smooth Sax)
RiverWalk Concert Series
Free outdoor concerts at the RiverWalk in Jenks. For additional dates and
other Riverwalk events, go here:
May 8, 6 pm J3 Band (Jazz/Blues)
May 15, 8 pm Meridian (Rock & Blues)
May 22, 8 pm 4 Players Band
May 28, 7 pm Francesca Battistelli
May 29, 8 pm Touch of Aloha Hula Dancers
June 5, 8 pm RadioRadio, Opening Act: Ziff
June 6, 8 pm Hurricane Mason
June 11, 7 pm John Waller
June 13, 8 pm Miles Raulston
June 18, 7 pm Jubiliation Choir
June 19, 8 pm Juke Box Hero
June 20, 8 pm Badwater
June 26, 8 pm Michael Ray Little Band
June 27, 8 pm Hot Shot Karate
Unless otherwise noted, call 596-PARK (7275) for information or to register
Admission fees this year will be $2 per person. The 7 pools scheduled to
open this summer are below - call 596-7275 for hours.
Lacy, 2134 N. Madison Pl.
McClure, 7440 E. 7th St.
Manion , 3003 E. 56th St.
Reed, 4233 S. Yukon Ave.
Zeigler , 3903 W. 4th St.
Berry, 5002 N. Wheeling
Whiteside, 7440 E. Pittsburg Ave.
Pools open with Beach Bash - May 30, noon-3pm, at McClure Park Pool (7440
E. 7th St.) Kick off the Summer Pool season with ice cream, music, and
pool races. Admission is free!
Tennis in the Parks - June 8-July 18 at most Community Centers.
Practice matches in June, and League play in July in four divisions for
ages 6 through 18. Cost of $46 (Lacy and Chamberlain - $6) includes
t-shirt and awards. Call 596-2527 for info.
Hook A Kid On Golf - Five-day morning sessions starting June 22 and July 13
Designed for ages 8 -13 for boys and girls. Enrollment fee of $186
includes golf shirt, and starter clubs. All lessons and games occur at
Page Belcher Golf Course - 6666 S. Union Ave. Limited Space; call 596-2527
for info.
Kids Triathlon - July 25, McClure Park, 8am
Youth ages 6 through 15 can sign up for either the short or long course.
Includes swimming, biking, and running with medals of completion for all
finishers. Early Bird entry fee of $25 includes a t-shirt. Call 596-2527
for info.
Summer Day Camps - Registration has already begun. Ages 6-11. Rates vary.
Sessions: #1: June 1-12, #2: June 15-26, #3: June 29-July 10, #4: July
13-24, #5: July 27-August 7, and #6: August 10-14
At the following Community Centers:
Chamberlain, 4940 N. Frankfort Ave., 591-4155
Hicks, 3443 S. Mingo Road 669-6355
Lacy, 2134 N. Madison Place 596-1470
Maxwell, 5251 E. Newton St. 596-1444
McClure, 7440 E. 7th Street 669-6678
Owen, 560 N. Maybelle Ave. 596-1485
Reed, 4233 S. Yukon Ave 591-4307
Turner, 3503 E. 5th Place 596-1444
Whiteside, 4009 S. Pittsburg Ave 746-5040
Zeigler, 3903 W. 4th St. 596-1485
Specialty Camps-Teen
McClure - All Sessions (Ages 12-14) - $150
7440 East 7th Street 669-6678
Specialty Camps-Theater
Clark Theater - Sessions 2, 3, & 4 only (Ages 8-14 & 11-17) - $150
11440 E. Admiral Place 669-6455
Heller Theater @ Henthorne (Ages 11-17) July 27-Aug. 7 - $150
4825 S. Quaker Ave. 746-5065
Specialty Camps-Art
WaterWorks Art Center - half days only
Ages 7-12 (Sessions 1-5) - $120. Ages 12-15 (Sessions 5&6) - $180
1710 Charles Page Blvd. 596-2440
Other Tulsa Park events include classes in Martial Arts, Soccer, T-Ball,
Gymnastics, Volleyball, Aerobics, Yoga, Pilates, Swim Lessons, and Dance.
Pick up a Tulsa Parks Fun Guide for more information, or visit
Tulsa County Parks also has swimming pools and other programming at
LaFortune (51st & Yale); O'Brien, 6149 N. Lewis Ave., and Chandler, 6500
West 21st St., but doesn't have details about hours, etc., online (and I
am too lazy to call!) - for information check their website at
http://www.parks.tulsacounty.org/Default.aspx or call 596-5990.
Gilcrease Museum-Kids Dig Books, Summer on the Plains
FREE. Fridays, 10-11 am. June 5, 12, 19 & 26; July 3, 10, 24 & 31
Listen to stories of summertime on the Western plains in which children
explore their natural surroundings and the freedom the long warm days
bring. Then create a work of art based on these adventures.
Also at Gilcrease, if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend the
Creative Learning Center:
It's a free art center with all kinds of activities available to the kids.
They can make and take projects using painting, clay, weaving, etc.
AND Gilcrease offers free admission to all visitors on the first Tuesday
of each month ("TU TUesday"). For more information,
Philbrook Museum-Free 2nd Saturday
Every 2nd Saturday of the month is Free Family Day. Drop in anytime from
10:30 am - 4 pm. Experiment with fun materials to make hands-on art
projects, go on a scavenger hunt, take a family-friendly tour of the
museum, and so much more on this day specifically for families.
Thanks to Heyman Family Adventures in Art.
Oklahoma Aquarium
Get a free admission for a child for going to the dentist...print out the
form here and get dentist to sign.
Oxley Nature Center
In Mohawk Park - free.
With more than 9 miles of trails covering 804 acres, the Mary K.. Oxley
Nature Center at Mohawk Park is one of Tulsa's treasures. The gates open
daily (except City holidays) at 8 a.m. and close at 5 p.m., although the
trails are open as early as 7 a.m. or as late as 9 p.m. to hikers who park
outside the gates.
Visitors may pick up maps and trail information at the Oxley-Yetter
Interpretive Building 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat. and 12 noon-4:30 p.m. on
Sunday. The Interpretive Building houses inter-active, hands-on exhibits
explaining the local natural history. Gift shop, restrooms, drinking water
and a classroom are also available. For more information, call 669-6644.
Grand opening for the newly remodeled Interpretive enter is June 27, 9-5
pm-join us for all kinds of fun activities!
Redbud Valley Nature Preserve
Free. Natural diversity is protected at Redbud Valley Nature Preserve.
Located on North 161st East Avenue about 3.8 miles north of I-44, Redbud
Valley Nature Preserve protects 220+ acres of unique plant and animal
life. The rugged one-mile trail is open to hikers only when the gates are
open: Wed.-Sun., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Barclay Visitor Center is open 11
a.m.-3 p.m. Pets are not permitted. The Preserve is closed every Monday
and Tuesday, and most holidays. For more information, call 669-6460.
Farmers Markets
(A variety of local Farmers Markets offer fresh local produce, crafts,
plants, herbs and more. Most Markets run May through October. Great place
to wander around with the kids, and one of the few where you can actually
buy them a healthy snack!)
Cherry Street Farmers Market
15th Street and Peoria Ave., Saturdays, 7 am-11 am.
Brookside Farmers Market
41st & Peoria, Wednesdays, 8 am-noon.
Pearl District Farmers Market
6th Street and Peroria Avenue, Thursdays, 4:30-7 pm
Downtown Tulsa Farmers' Market
3rd & Boston, Williams Green, Tuesdays, 10:30 am -2 pm
North Tulsa Farmers Market
2620 E. 56th St. North, Saturdays, 8:30am-12:30pm, starts first week of June.
Owasso Farmers Market
Owasso YMCA, 8300 Owasso Expressway, in Owasso just off U.S. 169,
Wednesdays & Saturdays, 8 am-noon.
Jenks Farmers Market , Riverwalk: 7
RiverWalk, Saturdays, 7 am-noon.
Broken Arrow Farmers Market
418 South Main St., Saturdays, 8 am-noon.
Tulsa Mayfest, May 14-17 (11 am-11 pm Thursday-Saturday, and 11 am-6 pm
Downtown Tulsa. FREE Family-oriented outdoor tribute to the arts, with an
array of dance and music performances in addition to the many visual arts
booths and four indoor galleries (including a Youth Gallery at the PAC)
and a newly revamped KidZone sponsored by St. Francis at the new park at
6th and Main. Always one of the major highlights of spring, Mayfest is
planned to encompass some of the very best in both the exhibit and
performance areas. For listing of exhibitors and performers or other
information, go to
Blue Dome Arts Festival, May 15-17 (noon-9 pm, Friday; 10 am-8 pm
Saturday; 11 am-4 pm Sunday)
Located at 1st & 2nd Streets at Elgin, the Blue Dome Arts Festival
features hundreds of local artists. It's fun to wander over here before
or after Mayfest. For more information, go to www.bluedomeartsfestival.com
Downtown Tulsa Adventure Fitness Walk, May 23, 9 am-noon
FREE. Discover downtown Tulsa in a new way. Join a tour, beginning at Owen
Park at 500 N. Maybelle and continuing through the streets of Tulsa. Tour
guides will explain the city's beautiful Art Deco history and more. The
tour involves considerable walking, so wear comfortable shoes. Ages 10 and
Tulsa Tough, May 29-31
A three-day cycling festival designed to promote fitness and healthy
lifestyles while showcasing the beautiful city of Tulsa. Tulsa Tough
offers events and spectating opportunities for everyone with
and tour rides
and youth
music and vendors
one action packed weekend. For more information, go to
Bartlesville's SunFest, June 5-7
"Oklahoma's Biggest Outdoor Picnic" returns for a long weekend with its
trademark combination of
A relaxed, family picnic atmosphere.
Quality, cost-free entertainment.
A diverse range of arts and crafts.
Creative, supervised activities for children.
Terrific food in abundant variety.
An eye-popping car show.
This free premier arts & entertainment festival - now in its 27th year -
is held in Sooner Park located at Madison Boulevard and Tuxedo Avenue in
Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Parking is available in several lots near the
park. For information: http://www.bartlesvillesunfest.org/tradition.htm
Asian-American Festival, June 6
FREE. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 6, at Martin Regional Library,
2601 S. Garnett Road.
Celebrate and learn about the customs and traditions of Asian-Americans
with entertaining, educational events for the entire family as Tulsa
City-County Library presents the seventh annual Asian-American Festival.
Explore the colorful cultures of China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,
Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries in Asia. The festival kicks
off at 10:45 a.m. with a vibrant Dragon Dance, featuring a 70-foot dragon
from China, and includes martial arts demonstrations; Kyoto, Japan art
exchange exhibit and workshop; manga exchange and workshop; bamboo flute
music; classical Indian dance; traditional Chinese dance; a Japanese tea
ceremony; and children's dances and songs in Japanese and English.
Numerous activities and presentations are scheduled indoors throughout the
festival, including interactive educational booths featuring crafts for
kids, temporary tattoos, name translation, henna painting and origami
instruction. The festival also features authentic arts and crafts booths.
Food concession is provided by India Palace, located at 69th and Lewis.
Tulsa FreedomFest '09
Annual July 4th celebration held at the River West Festival Park and
Veterans Park featuring fireworks, entertainment, activities, food &
beverages. Fireworks are shot from the 21st Street Bridge at approximately
9:30 p.m. Contact River Parks at 596-2001 for more details
DFest, July 24-25
Downtown in the Blue Dome District, music conference and festival
showcasing 130+ artists of the best emerging independent artists in the
country including Oklahoma, Regional and National performers. Tickets
required for entry into stages, but you can wander around and see exhibits
and hear some music for free - for families, probably best in afternoon
and early evening. For more information, go to
Tulsa Drillers
The national pasttime and a good way to spend a few summer hours. We love
Tulsa baseball! Tickets are cheap and there are always specials and
giveaways from free tickets to 50 cent hotdogs. For a list of various
promotions, go here:
A couple of promotion highlights: Free tickets are available for the
following games: May 29 (pick up tickets at all WalMart locations); June
10 (all QuikTrips) June 24 (all Arby's), Aug. 25 & 26 (free tickets at ALL
There are several "Kids Eat Free" nights, where kids can go on the field
for a free clinic and with a paid admission, they get a free hot dog, milk
and ice cream -- June 11, June 28, July 12 and Aug. 16.
And even if you don't feel like watching the game, be sure to check the
list for one of the nights that will feature fireworks after the games -
they put on really impressive shows (better than many 4th of July shows)
and you can join the hundreds of people who congregate in the Lowe's or
Walgreen's parking lot or in nearby neighborhoods to watch.
Blue Bell Broken Arrow Ice Cream Plant- Taste of Summer, June 29
8201 E. Hwy 51, Broken Arrow, June 29, Saturday, 9 am-3 pm
The annual Community Open House hosted by one of Broken Arrow's favorite
and best-known businesses. ALL the ice cream you can eat. Jupiter Jump for
the kids, ice cream eating contest, live entertainment, plant tours and
much more. Admission $4 for adults with kids under 6 free.
Woolaroc Kidsfest, June 27 & 28
10 am-5 pm -- Regular Woolaroc admission (adults $8, over 65 $6 and
children 11 and under are FREE) at the great family museum/ranch southwest
of Bartlesville.
Kidsfest features events, games, crafts and entertainment presented on the
Woolaroc grounds where visitors can enjoy all of the activities in the
rustic outdoor environment, along with the natural beauty of the Osage
Hills, the historic art and artifacts in the Woolaroc Museum and the
animals on the Wildlife Preserve. Kids can participate in a variety of
activities, such as pony rides, wagon rides, treasure dig, face painting,
Carpenter's corner, tattoos, beaded necklaces, Indian head bands, native
sand art, rock painting, bean bag games, and lots of nature crafts. Our
living history booths will include horseshoeing, saddle & boot makers,
bridle, bit and spur makers, woodcarvers, silversmiths, flint knapping,
rope making, black-smithing, old west re-enactors and lots more. More info
at: http://www.woolaroc.org/
Bartlesville Kiddie Park
A fun and cheap park for younger kids (probably best up to age 7 or 8).
Some of the rides were so mild that even very young toddlers can ride them
safely. No admission charge and ride tickets are 25 cents -- almost all
rides are just one ticket, so you can have a lot of fun for only a few
bucks. At least last year, concessions were good "fair fare" and cheap --
$1 cotton candy, 75 cents snowcones, etc. A few things adults could ride,
plenty of benches to sit on and watch the kids. There also were wandering
clowns, face painting, etc. Good old-fashioned summer fun!
It's open through the summer, only in the evening: Fridays and Saturday
evenings through May, then open Tues-Thurs 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm; Fri-Sat 7:00
pm -10:00 pm. Closed Sundays, Mondays & the 4th of July. If you want to
make it the quintessential summer date -- go early enough to stop at the
Bartlesville Sonic on the way -- you pass it on your way to the Park, and
it's the only Sonic I've seen with a big outdoor playground.
It is located at 215 N. Cherokee Ave. in Johnstone Park. For info or
directions, go to http://kiddiepark.net/ .
Free Family Fishing Clinics
The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation hosts free family fishing
clinics at the Zebco casting pond, located adjacent to the Oklahoma
Aquarium in Jenks. The two-hour clinics begin at 6:30 p.m. and conclude
with fishing in the small pond, which is regularly stocked with good-sized
channel catfish, which the novice anglers can take home for the dinner
table is they so choose. Clinics are open to all ages, not just children,
but kids 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Here's the schedule for this year:
May 19, 21 & 28; June 2, 4, 16, 18, 23 & 25; July 7, 14, 21 & 28; Aug. 4
& 11. Pre-registration is required -- to register call the Wildlife
Department's Jenks office at (918) 299-2334.
For a complete schedule of other locations and events, go to:
Bixby Green Corn Festival, June 25-27
Enjoy this old fashioned family fun festival held in downtown Bixby hosted
by the Bixby Optimist Club! Enjoy the Pride of Texas carnival, crafts,
live music, food and fun games and events for all. Proceeds from the
festival will fund youth projects and scholarships provided by the
Optimist Club of Bixby. For more info, visit
Porter Peach Festival, July 16-18
Downtown Porter. Rodeo, music, arts, 5k run, carnival rides, free peaches
and cream!
For more infromation, http://www.porterpeachfestivals.com/ or 694-9314.
Free Bowling
Kids can bowl free all summer long at Andy Bs, located at 8711 S Lewis
Ave. Just go to this website:
register each child, and receive free bowling passes every week by email.
Registered children can bowl 2 games free every day all summer long!
For Teens - Youth Services of Tulsa Coffee House
Come on by any Saturday, bring your friends and relax at the YST Coffee
Same time, same place: Every Saturday night, 7-11 pm,
311 S. Madison (1/2 mile West of Peoria on 3rd St).
The YST Coffee House has Wi-Fi! So, bring your personal connection devices
and etc.
with you to the Coffee House while you enjoy your free coffee and cappuccino.
Get Ready, Set, Take a Stand
Kind of neat thing, for kids 7-12, an offer from Sunkist for a free
lemonade stand kids can use to raise money for their favorite charity.
Free Kids Workshops - Home Depot.
This is at 9 am on the first Saturday of the month...they can build all
kinds of cool projects, with all supplies provided free. I have been doing
with the kids from ages 3 and up.
Free Kids Workshop at Lowes
Similar deal, the second Saturday of the month at 10 am. Both of these are
actually year-round.
Tulsa Kids Summer Guide
For Tulsa Kids summer camp and activities guide, go here:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Easter Crafts
Thanks to Jeni for some grand ideas for easter!
I thought I'd post them here for those that were interested
Here's a link to the Easter Lily Craft

And here is the "tie" dyed egg...

If you didn't get the Resurrection Eggs craft the kids did today let me know I have lots of extras!

And what is your favorite Easter Crafty thing you love to do...or your not so crafty but fun Easter thing to do? I'm sure we're all looking for new ideas or at least we'll be impressed by your idea and might call you and ask you to make extra for us uncrafties out there.
I thought I'd post them here for those that were interested
Here's a link to the Easter Lily Craft

And here is the "tie" dyed egg...

If you didn't get the Resurrection Eggs craft the kids did today let me know I have lots of extras!
And what is your favorite Easter Crafty thing you love to do...or your not so crafty but fun Easter thing to do? I'm sure we're all looking for new ideas or at least we'll be impressed by your idea and might call you and ask you to make extra for us uncrafties out there.
Tea and Testimony
Wow! If you missed out on today's Meeting...then you really missed out. I have to admit I wasn't sure at all about what I was going to say and was even more nervous for Bethany but I'm so glad I shared and Bethany and Ambrosia, and Ginel, and Shawna, and Jeni! I just loved being able to cry and laugh and it moved me Bob! (Sorry too many Veggietales this week)
We have such an amazing group of ladies and I know sometimes it really seems like we just come and go and there's nothing deeper than a belly full of good food (thanks to Amanda!) but just taking the time out of our busy schedules to make an effort for friendships that are meaningful in Him is so important. I hope that this next year will bring us each closer to Him, to each other and to our families that God has given us.
I will say it was sad to hear that Shawna and Ginel will be leaving us next year...but I'm sure we'll keep in touch and share with each other how we're all doing. They've been such a huge part of MOFIA that it's hard to say goodbye but maybe this is the opportunity God has waiting for you to step up to the plate for a leadership role! If it wasn't for Ginel's leap of faith we wouldn't be here and if it wasn't for Shawna's deep devotion to share what God has been taking her through we wouldn't have grown with her. Ask God what he would have you to do... even if it's not with MOFIA...ask Him where He'd like to see you grow, where He'd like to see you shine. You never know what blessings he might be waiting to bestow upon you with that one little leap of faith and obiedence. I'm certainly glad I took that step (though I do wish I'd done it sooner)!
If you haven't signed up to bring something to the BBQ please email Heather right away...she has an opportunity for you! Even if you don't cook as well as Amanda does...I'm sure Walmart will have something we need! And apparently I missed out on some famous potato casserole and lemon cake so I know I'm gonna be there first in line for that stuff this year! And you ladies that just had babies...please just show up! We'd love to kiss some baby toes...but only if you let us!
Don't forget about our Spaghetti Dinner...we need helpers. If you can't work the whole night then let us know where you can help:
Also ladies we need each of you to bring 2 desserts! You can drop them by the church that night or to one of the ladies that live close by during the day...Aimee, Anna, Ambrosia, ect. Let us know and we might even be able to arrange pick up! I won't make any promises that I won't taste the treats to make sure they are safe for consumption though ;)
We'll start prep time tentatively at 430pm cleanup will end around 8pm if we all work together.
We're looking at serving 200 people so this can be a major money maker
If by chance you or your company would like to donate Sauce, Noodles, Bread, or Salad please let Ambrosia know!
I know I'm probably missing out on something so shoot me an email!
Hope everyone has a Happy Easter! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
We have such an amazing group of ladies and I know sometimes it really seems like we just come and go and there's nothing deeper than a belly full of good food (thanks to Amanda!) but just taking the time out of our busy schedules to make an effort for friendships that are meaningful in Him is so important. I hope that this next year will bring us each closer to Him, to each other and to our families that God has given us.
I will say it was sad to hear that Shawna and Ginel will be leaving us next year...but I'm sure we'll keep in touch and share with each other how we're all doing. They've been such a huge part of MOFIA that it's hard to say goodbye but maybe this is the opportunity God has waiting for you to step up to the plate for a leadership role! If it wasn't for Ginel's leap of faith we wouldn't be here and if it wasn't for Shawna's deep devotion to share what God has been taking her through we wouldn't have grown with her. Ask God what he would have you to do... even if it's not with MOFIA...ask Him where He'd like to see you grow, where He'd like to see you shine. You never know what blessings he might be waiting to bestow upon you with that one little leap of faith and obiedence. I'm certainly glad I took that step (though I do wish I'd done it sooner)!
If you haven't signed up to bring something to the BBQ please email Heather right away...she has an opportunity for you! Even if you don't cook as well as Amanda does...I'm sure Walmart will have something we need! And apparently I missed out on some famous potato casserole and lemon cake so I know I'm gonna be there first in line for that stuff this year! And you ladies that just had babies...please just show up! We'd love to kiss some baby toes...but only if you let us!
Don't forget about our Spaghetti Dinner...we need helpers. If you can't work the whole night then let us know where you can help:
Also ladies we need each of you to bring 2 desserts! You can drop them by the church that night or to one of the ladies that live close by during the day...Aimee, Anna, Ambrosia, ect. Let us know and we might even be able to arrange pick up! I won't make any promises that I won't taste the treats to make sure they are safe for consumption though ;)
We'll start prep time tentatively at 430pm cleanup will end around 8pm if we all work together.
We're looking at serving 200 people so this can be a major money maker
If by chance you or your company would like to donate Sauce, Noodles, Bread, or Salad please let Ambrosia know!
I know I'm probably missing out on something so shoot me an email!
Hope everyone has a Happy Easter! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Congrats To Our New MOMS!
Just wanted to say a big Congrats and Welcome to the World to our new moms and babies!
Jamie B. gave birth on March 31st to Bella weighing in at 7.9oz
and to
Jennifer L who gave birth on March 16th to Cassidy Leanne weighing in at 7lbs 11 oz
Welcome to the world little girls! May your lives be full and blessed!
And new moms....if you need anything the Mofia is always here for you!
Jamie B. gave birth on March 31st to Bella weighing in at 7.9oz
and to
Jennifer L who gave birth on March 16th to Cassidy Leanne weighing in at 7lbs 11 oz
Welcome to the world little girls! May your lives be full and blessed!
And new moms....if you need anything the Mofia is always here for you!
Leaders Night Out
Ladies! Just a reminder that this week at Osaka Japanese Steakhouse we'll be having our Leaders Night Out! If you aren't a leader but interested in becoming involved in someway with MOFIA next year I encourage you to come out and see what it's all about! We have lots of areas in which we'd love to have a helping hand. We can't be the MOFIA God wants us to be without help from the wonderful ladies that are in our group. If you can't make this dinner out then I encourage you to come to the Leaders Retreat at the beginning of summer.
See you Leaders there!
See you Leaders there!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Up Coming Events..Mark your Calendars
Leadership Team Night Out - scheduled forApril 2nd, @ 6:30 at Osaka on 51st and Harvard. This is also open for those of you that are interested in serving in any area of the MOFIA Leadership Team next year, even if you don't know where exactly you might fit, we would love to have you join us, there is a place for you.
April 7th - The MOFIA Tea and Testimony- this will be a time that we will get to hear what God has done in your life this past year through this MOFIA ministry! Aimee, and Anna have already volunteered to share their testimonies, and we would love to hear from anyone else that is led to share.
April 15 - MOFIA fundraiser Spaghetti dinner @ Faith Church. We will be preparing and serving the Wed. night dinner @ Faith Church to raise money for our next MOPS/MOFIA year. These funds will go to childcare, snacks and crafts for the kids, our MOPS membership dues for next year. It is our prayer and desire to have enough money raised so every mom can join us without worrying about any cost. It is also a great time to serve and get to know each other better.
May 1st - END OF THE YEAR BBQ BASH at Heather and Nathan Schillings! Bring the DADS! This is a time that we want ALL our families to get together and fellowship with each other! There will be more information coming as this date get closer, but PUT IT ON YOUR CALENDARS NOW!
MAY 29th - MOFIA LEADERSHIP RETREAT - Last year we had a blast at Grand Lake for a night, the tentative place for this year is Branson, still waiting on confirmation, but there is no doubt that it will be FUN, FUN, FUN! This is for those on the Leadership team that are coming in or going out. We will spend some time planning the next MOFIA year, time for devotions, and getting to know each other better, so if you are wanting to be a part of the MOFIA Leadership Team, put this date on your calendar!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
January 20, 2009 Q & A with Shawna and Kim
Didn't you guys get alot out of today's Q & A with Shawna and Kim?! I know I did! I am always so impressed with their wisdom and honesty!
If you guys have more questions you can always email them or give them a call!
Some of the books they recommended were:
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Ted Tripp
Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
Power of a Praying Parent
The Five Love Languages (for children and teenagers as well) by Gary Chapman
Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul by John Eldredge
If you ladies think of others that I didn't mention please leave it in the comments section!
Don't forget our Fundraiser! We need volunteers so please email or call Ambrosia or Ginel! ASAP!
Keep an eye out for an email about our next scrapbook night!
Next Tuesday is Playdate at McDonalds...look for an email about that as well!
If you didn't get your t-shirt get a hold of Aimee and pay up or the Mofia will be after you! LOL!
Next Meeting we'll be finishing up our Craft brought to us by Ashlee!
Have a blessed week and don't forget to post your questions for Bethany! You can always go anon for those sneaky ones!
If you guys have more questions you can always email them or give them a call!
Some of the books they recommended were:
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Ted Tripp
Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
Power of a Praying Parent
The Five Love Languages (for children and teenagers as well) by Gary Chapman
Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul by John Eldredge
If you ladies think of others that I didn't mention please leave it in the comments section!
Don't forget our Fundraiser! We need volunteers so please email or call Ambrosia or Ginel! ASAP!
Keep an eye out for an email about our next scrapbook night!
Next Tuesday is Playdate at McDonalds...look for an email about that as well!
If you didn't get your t-shirt get a hold of Aimee and pay up or the Mofia will be after you! LOL!
Next Meeting we'll be finishing up our Craft brought to us by Ashlee!
Have a blessed week and don't forget to post your questions for Bethany! You can always go anon for those sneaky ones!
Mom of the Week~ Bethany
The next two weeks are all about Bethany D. So let the questions begin! Throw out your best Questions and see what she has to say about her life as a mom!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Valentines Day Fundraiser Fliers
Ladies here are the fliers for our Valentines Day Fundraiser.
We need volunteers so please contact Ginel B. to sign up for a time.
Please pass these out to friends and family as well as take a few to your local hangouts (the library, coffeehouse, children clothing stores, hairdresser, you get the idea)
And remember RSVP's close on January 30th~

We need volunteers so please contact Ginel B. to sign up for a time.
Please pass these out to friends and family as well as take a few to your local hangouts (the library, coffeehouse, children clothing stores, hairdresser, you get the idea)
And remember RSVP's close on January 30th~

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Mom of the Week...
Maybe I can get this going...I've tried different things but I think this may work the best for now..
Post questions below in the comment box for the Mom of the Week to Answer. MOTW post answers in the comment box below as well.
This week is Ambrosia our fearless leader
Look for a new mom each week!
Post questions below in the comment box for the Mom of the Week to Answer. MOTW post answers in the comment box below as well.
This week is Ambrosia our fearless leader
Look for a new mom each week!
MOFIA Meeting January 6th, 2009
Can you believe it? It's a New Year.
To ring in the New Year for MOFIA Kim shared a special message today...I can't say what it was because I wasn't there. My new year started off with runny noses, and sneezes and coughs but hopefully yours was much better! I'm sure Kim's words of wisdom were inspirational and encouraging to you moms. She is always so wise and full of grace as she shares with us from her wealth of knowledge about being in the pit of raising preschoolers (oops did I just say that out loud..you know what I mean...The wonderful stage of mothering preschoolers).
If anyone would like to please share a few thoughts on what Kim spoke about please feel free to leave a comment or two in the comment box below.
What I do know is that 2009 for MOFIA is going to be full of some fun things!
To start us off we have our Scrapbook Night at Treasured Memories Scrapbook Store.
Don't worry if you don't actually scrapbook or aren't creative like some of the ladies in our group; come out and hang out with some awesome women.
When: January 16th 6pm-9pm
Where: Treasured Memories Scrapbook Store
To ring in the New Year for MOFIA Kim shared a special message today...I can't say what it was because I wasn't there. My new year started off with runny noses, and sneezes and coughs but hopefully yours was much better! I'm sure Kim's words of wisdom were inspirational and encouraging to you moms. She is always so wise and full of grace as she shares with us from her wealth of knowledge about being in the pit of raising preschoolers (oops did I just say that out loud..you know what I mean...The wonderful stage of mothering preschoolers).
If anyone would like to please share a few thoughts on what Kim spoke about please feel free to leave a comment or two in the comment box below.
What I do know is that 2009 for MOFIA is going to be full of some fun things!
To start us off we have our Scrapbook Night at Treasured Memories Scrapbook Store.
Don't worry if you don't actually scrapbook or aren't creative like some of the ladies in our group; come out and hang out with some awesome women.
When: January 16th 6pm-9pm
Where: Treasured Memories Scrapbook Store
Sapulpa, OK 74066
Across from the Police Station
Cost: $5.00 a person and bring a pot luck dish to share (think finger foods and desserts)
What to bring: Anything scrappy...punches, papers, photos, idea books, ect... or like I said just yourself!
If we enjoy this we're thinking about making it a monthly thing! So come out, enjoy some good fellowship without the kiddos, and get a chance to yak and breath without hearing "MOM!" for at least a couple hours.
It's Fundraiser Time again!!!!
This time we're doing another Babysitting Event for Valentines Day. I'll post some fliers you can download and print to hand out or email out to friends. We need volunteers though so please let Ambrosia or Aimee know if you can help out.
What: Save the Date for a Date
When: February 6th, 6pm-midnight
Where: Faith Church
Cost: $15.00 first child, $5.00 each additional child
RSVP: by January 20th
Dinner will not be provided but snacks and drinks will be, so if you're volunteering and bringing your kids please have them fed before hand! And we'll probably need volunteers to show up a bit earlier then 6pm so look for more information as it comes...
We're hoping to raise a couple hundred dollars for the MOFIA budget so pass those fliers out!
In other exciting news we're planning on making 2009 the year of getting to know each other better....so in order to do that we've setup some play dates. On the weeks we don't have Mofia we'll be getting together at Anna French's house and at the Sapulpa McDonalds (which has a playland).
There will be an email that goes out with Address and Directions.
First Playdate
When: January 13th 10am-130pm
What to bring: Bring a sack lunch, drinks, and cups and plates and such will be provided. You're also welcome to use the microwave and oven...Coffee and Teas will be provided for us moms as well.
Depending on the weather bring hats, coats, gloves,ect...we have 10 acres and I want to make sure everyone spends at least a few minutes outside instead of cooped up inside. We have videos and tons of toys. So no need to bring anything unless you really want to. Bigger kids are welcome to bring footballs and that type of stuff.
This is open to all moms and we at MOFIA really hope that you all feel welcome to come and just hang out and get to know other moms that are going through or have gone through the same things you're going through. This is a chance to make some great friends.
Look forward to the next Meeting where Shawna and Kim will answer all the questions we have about raising Preschoolers, or Newborns, or our Gradeschoolers. They have such great wisdom and are really fun to talk to as well. If you'd like, you can email them some questions ahead of time or come up with some really tough ones and throw them at them like a curve ball and see what happens. That's always fun as well!
I'll be posting all these things on our Calendar and you can check it out here...
If you'd like to sign up for reminders of these events email me at annafrnch@gmail.com and I'll put you on our google calendar list for reminders.
And if you haven't gotten your T-shirt yet and you ordered one remember to bring Aimee a check at the next meeting..she's got them and they are way too cute!
Across from the Police Station
Cost: $5.00 a person and bring a pot luck dish to share (think finger foods and desserts)
What to bring: Anything scrappy...punches, papers, photos, idea books, ect... or like I said just yourself!
If we enjoy this we're thinking about making it a monthly thing! So come out, enjoy some good fellowship without the kiddos, and get a chance to yak and breath without hearing "MOM!" for at least a couple hours.
It's Fundraiser Time again!!!!
This time we're doing another Babysitting Event for Valentines Day. I'll post some fliers you can download and print to hand out or email out to friends. We need volunteers though so please let Ambrosia or Aimee know if you can help out.
What: Save the Date for a Date
When: February 6th, 6pm-midnight
Where: Faith Church
Cost: $15.00 first child, $5.00 each additional child
RSVP: by January 20th
Dinner will not be provided but snacks and drinks will be, so if you're volunteering and bringing your kids please have them fed before hand! And we'll probably need volunteers to show up a bit earlier then 6pm so look for more information as it comes...
We're hoping to raise a couple hundred dollars for the MOFIA budget so pass those fliers out!
In other exciting news we're planning on making 2009 the year of getting to know each other better....so in order to do that we've setup some play dates. On the weeks we don't have Mofia we'll be getting together at Anna French's house and at the Sapulpa McDonalds (which has a playland).
There will be an email that goes out with Address and Directions.
First Playdate
When: January 13th 10am-130pm
What to bring: Bring a sack lunch, drinks, and cups and plates and such will be provided. You're also welcome to use the microwave and oven...Coffee and Teas will be provided for us moms as well.
Depending on the weather bring hats, coats, gloves,ect...we have 10 acres and I want to make sure everyone spends at least a few minutes outside instead of cooped up inside. We have videos and tons of toys. So no need to bring anything unless you really want to. Bigger kids are welcome to bring footballs and that type of stuff.
This is open to all moms and we at MOFIA really hope that you all feel welcome to come and just hang out and get to know other moms that are going through or have gone through the same things you're going through. This is a chance to make some great friends.
Look forward to the next Meeting where Shawna and Kim will answer all the questions we have about raising Preschoolers, or Newborns, or our Gradeschoolers. They have such great wisdom and are really fun to talk to as well. If you'd like, you can email them some questions ahead of time or come up with some really tough ones and throw them at them like a curve ball and see what happens. That's always fun as well!
I'll be posting all these things on our Calendar and you can check it out here...
If you'd like to sign up for reminders of these events email me at annafrnch@gmail.com and I'll put you on our google calendar list for reminders.
And if you haven't gotten your T-shirt yet and you ordered one remember to bring Aimee a check at the next meeting..she's got them and they are way too cute!
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