Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mom of the Week~ Bethany

The next two weeks are all about Bethany D. So let the questions begin! Throw out your best Questions and see what she has to say about her life as a mom!


Anna said...

So Bethany...we know you're a mom but fill us in on your kiddos name/ages/or gender and feel free to use nicknames if you'd rather!

What is one of the best things about being a mom?

Are you a SAHM,WAHM, Working Mom, or some other type of mom that I may be failing to mention (other than great mom because we all know if you're a part of Mofia then you're a great mom)?

What is the biggest challenge for you as a mom?

And what is your favorite dessert you love to make and can you share the recipe?

I'll leave with those and have the other ladies fill in....

bro said...

What would your dream job be (besides raising babies!!!)?

What is your favorite thing about your husband?

Can you recite the alphabet backwards???

bethzheart said...

Okay, let's see. I'm Bethany. Wife to Josh (7 years in May :)) and Mom to Claire (age 3 in about 2 weeks) and Lena (age 5 months next week).

The best thing about being a mom is the good night kisses, good morning kisses, and all the kisses in between.

I'm a SAHM (stay at home mom).

My biggest challenge right now is trying not to compare my girls. They have such different personalities and I wan to let them be who God created them to be without me saying "Look what your sister did/does."

Hmmm dessert I love to make. There are so many. My standby though is brownies. That was the first recipe my mom taught me to make and I love them passionately.

I'll have to get the recipe and post it later.

bethzheart said...

My next dream job is to be a part-time children's librarian. I worked as a part-time children's library associate (all the work with not as much pay) before my current wonderful position. I plan on waiting until the kids are older and then going back (again) to finish my masters. After that I'd like to retire with my hubby to a beach somewhere tropical.

There are so many wonderful things about my husband it is truly hard to chose just one. He is the one person who truly accepts me as is- flaws and all. He makes me laugh each and every day (he tells me it's to keep me young) and he is a tireless father. Entertaining and caring for my girls with a passion I'm almost jealous of. He also loves to eat (and will eat just about anything) which makes him a great guinea pig for my cooking. :)

Alas I cannot say the alphabet backwards! I can never get past zyxw... Well, you see my problem.

Anna said...

What are some of your favorite books you are reading to your kids right now?

When the kids are in bed what do you do to unwind?

Who has/had the biggest impact or inspiration on how you mother?

Do you have a life verse or a current verse that is blesses you as a mother/wife?

And brownies...yummmmmmmm!

bethzheart said...


3/4 cup cocoa
1/2 tsp baking soda
2/3 cup oil (divided)
1/2 cup boiling water
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 1/3 cups flour
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt

Combine cocoa & soda in a mixing bowl. Blend in 1/3 cup oil. (save other 1/3 for later). Add boiling water & stir until thick. (My favorite part as a child- :)magic of cooking!)Stir in sugar, eggs, & remaining 1/3 cup oil. Add flour, vanilla, & salt. Blend completely. Pur into 9x13 pn (greased and floured). Bake @ 350 for 35-40 minutes.

bethzheart said...

Let's see, our library bag right now has I Want A Hippopatamus for Christmas (Claire's favorite), Mouse's First Valentine, Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree, How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?, The Napping House, and Snowballs.

After the girls go to bed I like to catch a television show (Chuck- online or sometimes Scrubs) and cuddle with my hubby. If everything is caught up I love to read but that doesn't happen very often. Also munching on chocolate, listening to some tunes and checking out stuff online like emails, facebook, & blogs is fun.

Biggest inspiration/impact as a mom would have to be my mom and the women in my family. I was fortunate to be raised with very strong, godly female role models and so everything I do right is pretty much by their examples and God's grace. My mom, aunts, grandmas and teachers are still there for me when I need them. I am so blessed. :)

My grandma gave me Jeremiah 29:11 a long time ago and it's pretty much the first thing I think of when I'm unsure about anything. I aspire to become the woman described in Proverbs 31 and Titus 2. Right now the one I seem to be saying a lot is Galatians 6:9 Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Shawna said...

What is your love language?
Quality Time, Acts of Service, Gifts, Words Of Affirmation, Physical touch?

What is the farthest you have been from home and for how long?

What is the most impactful book that YOU have read lately and why?

When you are gong to be at home ALL day, and you know it, do you get dressed?

bethzheart said...

My love language...I've always tested high for acts of service and physical touch. However, I have to say that after hearing you talk about them changing I've been noticing my preferences changing. I'm still high on acts of service and I still love to cuddle... but I'm starting to notice more and more days when I don't want to be touched and I think I'd rather get gifts. Not necessarily big items just stuff that shows someone was thinking of me. I think that's pretty standard for a mom of young children. You want people to quit pulling on you all the time and someone else outside the home to remember that you exist as something other than a mom. Or it could just be me...

I spent 10 days in Costa Rica on a missions trip the summer after I graduated from high school. I loved it. The people were precious and the scenery was breathe-taking! I'd go back in a heartbeat as long as I could take my hubby and kids.

The most impactful book I've read lately...that's hard. We just finished the Growing Kids study and I'm re-reading that. It's life-changing to say the least. I also just finished Created to be His HelpMeet by Debi Pearl and I'm still working through a lot of study. I love the changes I'm seeing as a result of that one too. My current read (just barely started) is The Prayer that Changes Everything: The Hidden Power of Praising God by Stormie Omartian. It is by far one of the most inspiring books I've ever read. I've been at a place for a while now where I've felt like nothing was working for me (as far as prayers go) and this book is just a revelation. I mean I knew praise was important but to stop and realize exactly what it does...how it transforms us because we are encoutering God and you can't do that and not be changed- is amazing.

I love this question! Okay- time for complete honesty...as I type this at 2:20 in the afternoon on a Monday, yes I am in pj's. What's the point of being a stay-at-home mom if you can't spend a day in your pj's every once in a while? I will say that I do try and get dressed- especially before Josh gets home. There are times though that I'm still in pj's when he comes in. It usually means that a) the house is spotless and I didn't want to get dressed because that would mean stopping and I'd have one more outfit to launder or b)My girls are having either a fun-filled happy day of relaxation or "one-of-those-days" where I haven't had time to go to the bathroom by myself let alone get dressed. You can usually tell the minute you walk in the door.

Today, my houe is clean, my girls are sleeping, and I'm going to grab a shower. Life is good.

Shawna said...

I love your anwers! Stormie Omartian is one of my Favorites to read! Most days, my hubby says he know I have had a good day when I am still in my PJ's...one of the best things about being at home! Cherish the days.....